 Award Abstract #9550765
AMP: Louisiana Alliance for Minority Participation (LAMP)
NSF Org: |
Division Of Human Resource Development
Initial Amendment Date: |
August 31, 1995 |
Latest Amendment Date: |
October 2, 2003
Award Number: |
9550765 |
Award Instrument: |
Cooperative Agreement |
Program Manager: |
Dr. A. James Hicks HRD Division Of Human Resource Development
EHR Direct For Education and Human Resources |
Start Date: |
November 1, 1995 |
End Date: |
September 30, 2003 (Estimated) |
Awarded Amount to Date: |
Investigator(s): |
Diola Bagayoko bagayoko@aol.com (Principal Investigator)
Robert Ford (Former Principal Investigator)
Milton Slaughter (Former Co-Principal Investigator) Diola Bagayoko (Former Co-Principal Investigator)
Sponsor: |
Louisiana Board of Regents
1201 N. Third Street
Baton Rouge, LA
NSF Program(s): |
Program Reference Code(s): |
9133, 9177, 9178, SMET
Program Element Code(s): |
1547, 9133, 9199
9550765 Ford The Louisiana Alliance for Minority Participation (LAMP) is a comprehensive statewide coordinated program aimed at substantially increasing the number and quality of minority students earning baccalaureate degrees in science, engineering and mathematics (SEM) areas. In the long term, the program design will lead to significant increase in minority SEM graduate enrollment in U.S. graduate schools. It is estimated that Louisiana institutions will increase to 500, the minority undergraduate SEM enrollment, while increasing graduate enrollment nationally to 100, by 1999. LAMP strategy centers on enhancing and coordinating existing SEM pipeline activities at Louisiana institutions, supporting undergraduate student research activities and introducing strategic statewide and regional academic and research activities to promote networking and technology exchanges. The LAMP implementation would continue the expansion of the State's SEM infrastructure and join the several systemic initiatives and EPSCoR programs coordinated through the Louisiana Board of Regents. Twelve institutions initially will manage a variety of campus-based programs and participate in several statewide and regional projects. Southern University and A&M College, the LAMP lead institution is an 1890 Land Grant university with a nationally recognized systemic model for physics education and is slated, under a recently court approved settlement agreement, to develop doctorate degree programs in Science and Mathematics Education, Material Science, Biomedical Sciences and in Administration and Information Systems over the next 10 years. Southern University System, parent organization to Souther University campuses in the major metropolitan areas of Baton Rouge, New Orleans, and Shreveport, enrolls more than 36% of all African American college undergraduates in the State of Louisiana. Southern University and A&M College will provide management leadership to array of campus coordina ted minority participation enhancement activities around the State. Grambling State University, the fourth public Louisiana HBCU, as well as private Xavier University and Dillard University, both of New Orleans will be active LAMP participating institutions. RCMS projects at grambling State University, Southern University and A&M College, Xavier University and the University of New Orleans will collaborate with LAMP and serve as models for transporting to other Louisiana institutions. Louisiana State University, Tulane University, of Southwestern Louisiana, University of New Orleans and Southern University and A&M College will manage programs at the undergraduate/graduate interface and harness the projects of increased SEM undergraduate degree production. These impressive projections are conservative in view of a recent higher education desegregation settlement agreement pledging substantial state resources to expedite the movement of state HBCU institutions toward comprehensive graduate status through establishment of new graduate programs, fund other race recruitment and scholarships, and support articulation among institutions. The plan for expanding diversity on college campuses makes available additional resources to meet the goals of the LAMP, including improved facilities, increased student support and enhanced faculty/mentor support systems. Establishing LAMP closes a critical gap in the nation's SEM pipeline. Implementation of the LAMP moves the nation substantially toward its goal of awarding 50,000 undergraduate degrees and 2,000 doctorate degrees annually by 2000. Louisiana relatively large African-American population puts the State in a unique position to make significant contributions to the nations goal of increased minority participation in the SEM enterprise. the timing of this application makes it possible for unprecedented federal/state synergism to result in substantially increased resources and program development activities consis tent with NSF AMP goals.
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Michael Lomax. "Scholarly Publications and HBCUs: Renewing the Tradition ", 11/01/1995-10/31/2001, , QEM Network"Scholarly Guideposts for Junior Faculty", 2000, "Published by Quality Education for Minority (QEM) Network. Washington, D.C., February 2000.".
Sylvanus Nwosu. "Scientific Writing: Getting Published in Refereed Jounals", 11/01/1995-10/31/2001, , QEM Network"Scholarly Guideposts fro Junior Faculty", 2000, "Published by Quality Education for Minority (QEM) Network. Washington, D.C., February 2000.".
See Editors. "Fourth Annual DOE EPSCoR and LS-LAMP Research Conference Proceedings 2000", 11/01/1995-10/31/2001, , Diola Bagayoko, Robert L. Ford, Saleem Hasan, Luria Stubblefield (Managing Editors Dawn Stephens and Candace Davis) 2001, "ISBN 0-9704609-9-6".
See Editors. "Fifth Annual DOE EPSCoR and LS-LAMP Research Conference Proceedings 2001", 11/01/1995-10/31/2001, , Diola Bagayoko, Robert L. Ford, Saleem Hasan, Luria Stubblefield (Managing Editor Candace Davis) 2001, "ISBN 0-9704609-4-5".
See Editors. "NAFEO High Tech Student Expo Proceedings 2001", 11/01/1995-10/31/2001, , Diola Bagayoko, Robert L. Ford, Saleem Hasan, Luria Stubblefield (Managing Editors Candace Davis) 2002, "ISBN 0-9704609-3-7".
L.Harold Stevenson. "This is Your Ticket: Lessons in college Success", 11/01/1995-10/31/2001, 2002, "In publication".
See Editors. "MainStey Workbook", 11/01/1995-10/31/2001, , Diola Bagayoko, Lashounda Franklin, Apryl Brown, Stacey Thomas, Chamara Massey, Saleem Hasan"ISBN 0-9704609-1-0".
D. Bagayoko. "The Law of Performance and the Excellence in Research", 11/01/1995-10/31/2001, , D. Bagayoko, R. Ford, S. Hasan, L. Stubblefield, Candace Davis (Managing Editor)"Proceedings of the 15th Annual High Technology Student Expo of the National Association for Equal Opportunity (NAFEO) in Higher Education.", 2001, "ISBN # 0-9704609-3-7. 2001".
D. Bagayoko and R. L. Ford. "Meta-Correlations Between GLOBE and Science and Mathematics Education Reforms.", 11/01/1995-10/31/2001, 2001, "ISBN No. 0-9704609-8-8, Pages 5-7, March 2001".
D. Bagayoko. "Reverse Digital Divide: A Case Study at the Timbuktu Academy and a Model for the Future.", 11/01/1995-10/31/2001, "Proceedings, Tennessee State University (TSU)-AOL Time Warner HBCU Digital Divide Conference held at Jackson State University (JSU).", 2001, "http://digitaldivide.jsums.edu/bagayoko/PaperDigitallDivideTSUFinal100101.doc".
D. Bagayoko and Deborah Muhammad. "Correlations Between the Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) and the Louisiana Science Content Standards", 11/01/1995-10/31/2001, "A 37 page book published by the Timbuktu Academy. Printed in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA. ISBN# 0-9704609-8-8", 2001, "(http://docushare.subr.edu/sudocs/dscgi/ds.py/GetRepr/File-446/html) ISBN# 0-9704609-8-8".
Robert L. Ford and Diola Bagayoko. "Expanding GLOBE Participation: An Emerging Model for Diversification", 11/01/1995-10/31/2001, "International Conference of the Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE)", 2000, "International Conference of the Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE), Annapolis, Maryland, July 19, 2000. ".
D. Bagayoko, S. Hasan, and R. L. Ford. "Avoiding or Closing the Academic Achievement Gap", 11/01/1995-10/31/2001, "Department of Energy and Louis Stokes Louisiana Alliance for Minority Participation (LS-LAMP) Annual Conference", 2001, "Department of Energy and Louis Stokes Louisiana Alliance for Minority Participation (LS-LAMP) Annual Conference, February 12, 2001, Radisson Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana. ISBN # 0".
D. Bagayoko, Robert L. Ford, and Ella L. Kelley. "Fundamentals of Mentoring and Networking", 11/01/1995-10/31/2001, , Quality Education for Minority (QEM) Network"Scholarly Guideposts for Junior Faculty Members", 2000, "Published by Quality Education for Minority (QEM) Network. Washington, D.C., February 2000. ".
Diola Bagayoko. "Early Guidance Pays Off: Mentoring students in science, engineering and math promotes success", 11/01/1995-10/31/2001, "Resource Magazine, American Society of Agricultural Engineering , published by the National Congress for Community Economic Development (NCCED)", 1998, "Resource Magazine, American Society of Agricultural Engineering , published by the National Congress for Community Economic Development (NCCED), Vol. 5, No. 4, page 29, April, (199".
Diola Bagayoko. "Southern University to Launch Ph.D. in Science/Mathematics Education", 11/01/1995-10/31/2001, "LaCEPT Report, a biannual magazine publication of LaCEPT, Winter 1997-98. ", 1998, "LaCEPT Report, a biannual magazine publication of LaCEPT, Winter 1997-98. ".
D. Bagayoko. "The Timbuktu Academy", 11/01/1995-10/31/2001, "Proceedings, first National Symposium for the US Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Mentoring", 1997, "Proceedings of the First National Symposium for the US Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Mentoring, Washington, D.C., September 1997".
D. Bagayoko. "Less is more", 11/01/1995-10/31/2001, "Publication of the Louisiana Collaborative for Excellence in the Preparation of Teachers", 1996, "Less is more." A contributed article in the first publication of the Louisiana Collaborative for Excellence in the Preparation of Teachers (LaCEPT) 1996".
D. Bagayoko. "Expectations: Federal and Academic, An Essay on Flourishing in Changing Times", 11/01/1995-10/31/2001, "Proceedings, 1996 Louisiana EPSCoR Conference, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, January 24-25, 1996", 1996, "Proceedings, 1996 Louisiana EPSCoR Conference, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, January 24-25, 1996".
D. Bagayoko. "Perspective of US Presidential Awardees on Workforce Development." US Science, Engineering, and Technology Workforce of the Future: National Strategy, National Portfolio, National Resource Base", 11/01/1995-10/31/2001, "Perspective of US Presidential Awardees on Workforce Development." US Science, Engineering, and Technology Workforce of the Future: National Strategy, National Portfolio, National Resource Base", 1999, "Publication Number: NSF 99-132.".
D. Bagayoko. "Mentoring: A Strategy for Increasing Minority Participation", 11/01/1995-10/31/2001, "Proceedings, National Conference on "Exploring the Role of Social and Behavioral Science Careers in the 21st Centuryƶ; New Orleans, LA, April 18-19, 1997.", 1997, "Proceedings, National Conference on "Exploring the Role of Social and Behavioral Science Careers in the 21st Centuryƶ; New Orleans, LA, April 18-19, 1997.".
Reza Mirshams, Diola Bagayoko, and Ella Kelley. "Undergraduate Research as a Tool in Engineering, Physics, and Chemistry Education", 11/01/1995-10/31/2001, "Proceedings American Society for Engineering Education, Gulf Southwest (ASEE/GSW) Section", 1996, "Proceedings American Society for Engineering Education, Gulf Southwest (ASEE/GSW) Section, March 27-29, 1996.".
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