University of New Orleans component of the State-wide Program Known
Alliance for Minority Participation), whose Member or Affiliated
Institutions include:
University, Grambling University; Louisiana State UniversityBaton
Rouge; LUMCON (Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium); McNeese State
University; Nunez Community College; Southern UniversityBaton
Rouge; Southern UniversityNew Orleans; Southern UniversityShreveport;
Tulane University; the University of New Orleans; and the University
of Southwestern Louisiana.
- It is
a program is made available by the Louisiana Board of Regents, the
National Science Foundation, and the University of New Orleans.
- The
program is designed to increase the probability that underrepresented
minority students who major in certain science, mathematics, engineering,
and technological fields ultimately succeed in obtaining the Bachelor
of Science degree.
- The
Next Step Program has two major components or phases Next Step One
(Phase One) and Next Step Two (Phase Two):
Step One (Phase One)

on introductory summer classes and workshops designed to
enhance foundational skills in mathematics and physics and laboratory
skills in the sciences. Introduces freshman and sophomore
students to the necessary skills, techniques, and methodology
requisite for scientific research. Stipend Support and supplemental
tutoring for participants is featured.
of students to "Research Experiences for Undergraduates"
by using oral and poster presentations of summer research project
a Mathematics and Physics WorkshopPre-calculus and Physics
workshop. Build and enhance foundations in algebra, trigonometry,
analytic geometry, and physics. Sharpen problem-solving skills.
a Physics Lecture Course: Physics: An OverviewIntroduce
and sharpen fundamental understanding of the laws of physics which
govern our everyday world. Problem solving sessions are conducted..
Next Step Two
(Phase Two)

on upper-level summer classes in various disciplines designed to
increase the probability that underrepresented minority students
who major in certain science, mathematics, engineering, and technological
fields ultimately succeed in obtaining the Bachelor of Science degree.
Stipend support and supplemental tutoring for participants is featured.