Some Courses Taught
Quantum Mechanics (Graduate Level using modern Dirac Bra-Ket methodology. Taught in-class and online).
Nuclear and Particle Physics (Senior-Graduate Level).
Introduction to Elementary Particle Physics (Senior-Graduate Level).
Introduction to Elementary Particle Physics (Graduate Level).
Produced more than 500 pages of developmental notes over six semesters for PHYS 1062 (General Physics for Science Majors: Thermodynamics and Electricity and Magnetism. Taught in-class, online, and online-in-class combinations).
Modern Physics for Science and Engineering Majors––Special Relativity, Quantum Physics: Matter and Radiation, Molecular, Atomic, Nuclear, and Particle Structure.
Special Topics in Physics––Tensor Analysis (Graduate Level).
Physics: An Overview (Created. Undergraduate Level).
Special Topics in Physics––Vector Analysis (Created. Undergraduate Level).