Selected Grants
The Louisiana Board of Regents Support Fund
Louisiana Board of Regents Support Fund grant entitled Enhancement of the Applied Optics Laboratory for Instruction and Research—A Plan to Positively Improve Minority Science Education., $117,946. June 1, 2002-May 31, 2003. With Principal Investigator Dr. Ashok Puri of the University of New Orleans.
Louisiana Education Quality Support Fund
Graduate Fellowships in Physics at UNO. August 98 - July 00. LEQSF 8g. Funded @ $24,000.
Louisiana Education Quality Support Fund
Graduate Fellowships in Physics at UNO. August 97 - July 99. LEQSF 8g. Funded @ $62,400.
Louisiana Education Quality Support Fund
Graduate Fellowships in Physics at UNO. August 96 - July 98. LEQSF 8g. Funded @ $28,000.
National Science Foundation
State-wide (Louisiana) Co-Principal Investigator and Associate Director, National Science Foundation grant entitled Louis Stokes Louisiana Alliance for Minority Participation (LSLAMP), Phase One, November 1, 1995 - December 31, 2000. Five year state-wide continuing grant funded at $5,000,000 (NSF) and $2,500,000 of matching funds from the Louisiana Board of Regents. Became Cooperative Agreement No. HRD-9550765: Project Principals Dr. Diola Bagayoko, Southern University, Baton Rouge; Dr. Robert L. Ford, Southern University, Baton Rouge; and Dr. Kerry Davidson, Louisiana Board of Regents. Also, M. Slaughter was Principal Investigator for the LSLAMP UNO component: $135,228 received in Year One (1995-96); $134,243 received in Year Two (1996-97); $120,000 received in Year Three (1997-98), $114,000 received in Year Four (1998-99), $114,000 received in Year Five (1999-00).
Louisiana Education Quality Support Fund
Graduate Fellowships in Physics at UNO. August 95 - July 97. LEQSF 8g. Funded @ $28,800.
Louisiana Education Quality Support Fund
Graduate Fellowships in Physics at UNO. August 94 - July 96. LEQSF 8g. Funded @ $26,400.
Louisiana Education Quality Support Fund
Co-Principal Investigator and Participant, Integrating Computers into the Core Physics Curriculum, Louisiana Education Quality Support Fund, With Principal Investigator Dr. Ronald Greene. $67,121, 1 July 1993 - 30 June 1994.
National Science Foundation
National Science Foundation grant entitled RCMS: Research Careers for Minority Scholars--Graduate Dual Degree Program, $1,007,492, grant number HRD-92 52702, September 1, 1992—February 28, 1999. With Co-Principal Investigator Dr. M. Akundi, Department of Physics of Xavier University of Louisiana.
National Science Foundation
National Science Foundation grant entitled A Workshop for the American Physical Society's Corporate Sponsored Scholarships for Minority Undergraduate Students Who Major in Physics, $30,000, grant number HRD-92 53144, Summer of 1992. Conducted at the Thomas Jefferson National Laboratory in conjunction with the American Physical Society and the National Science Foundation. With Co-Principal Investigators, Dr. Anthony Johnson, then Distinguished Professor of Physics and Chair, New Jersey Institute of Technology and Dr. Brian Schwartz, then American Physical Society Associate Executive Secretary and Professor of Physics, Brooklyn College.
National Science Foundation
National Science Foundation grant entitled Research on an Algebraic Nonperturbative Approach to Hadrons and Glueballs, $224,000, grant number PHY-90 12374, five year continuing grant, FY91 $61,000, FY92 $49,000, FY93 $39,000, FY94 $37,500, and FY95 $37,500. No-cost extension granted for FY96.
Louisiana Education Quality Support Fund (Now called the Board of Regents Support Fund)
Louisiana Education Quality Support Fund (LEQSF) grant entitled Enhancement of the Research Capabilities of the University of New Orleans Department of Physics, $150,000, Contract Number LEQSF (1990-91) -ENH-56, June 1990. With Co-Principal Investigator Dr. Ronald Greene of the University of New Orleans.
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Competitive Institutional Supporting Research and Development Award entitled QCD Theory/Glueballs, $388,000, Program Code X82T, October 1987.