Some Courses Taught

Quantum Mechanics (Graduate Level using modern Dirac Bra-Ket methodology. Taught in-class and online). Computational science symbolic and numeric computer tools utilized.

Nuclear and Particle Physics (Senior-Graduate Level). Computational science symbolic and numeric computer tools utilized.

Introduction to Elementary Particle Physics (Senior-Graduate Level).
Computational science symbolic and numeric computer tools utilized.

Introduction to Elementary Particle Physics (Graduate Level).
Computational science symbolic and numeric computer tools utilized.

Produced more than 500 pages of developmental notes over six semesters for PHYS 1062 (General Physics for Science Majors:  Thermodynamics and Electricity and Magnetism. Taught in-class, online, and online-in-class combinations). Computational science symbolic and numeric computer tools utilized.

Modern Physics for Science and Engineering Majors––Special Relativity, Quantum Physics: Matter and Radiation, Molecular, Atomic, Nuclear, and Particle Structure.
Computational science symbolic and numeric computer tools utilized.

Special Topics in Physics––Tensor Analysis (Graduate Level).
Computational science symbolic and numeric computer tools utilized.

Physics:  An Overview (Created.  Special needs students. Undergraduate Level).

Special Topics in Physics––Vector Analysis (Created.  Special needs students. Undergraduate Level).