Selected Publications
Radiative Decays and the SU(6) Lie Algebra, Milton Dean Slaughter. International Journal of Modern Physics A, Vol. 34, No. 21, 1950108 (2019). (51 pages). World Scientific Publishing Company.
Reflections in Diversity: Increasing Minority Participation in University STEM Programs. Milton Dean Slaughter. Optics & Photonics News, (05 December 2014).
Magnetic moments of the ground-state =
baryon decuplet . Milton Dean Slaughter. Phys. Rev. D 84, 071303(R) (2011) [Rapid Communications] and [hep-ph] (2011).
, and
decuplet baryon electric charge form factor
. Milton Dean Slaughter. [hep-ph] (2011).
Erratum: ,
, and
decuplet baryon magnetic moments. Milton Dean Slaughter.
Phys. Rev. C 83, 059901(E) (2011).
, and
Decuplet Baryon Magnetic Moments. Milton Dean Slaughter. Phys. Rev. C 82, 015208 (2010).
γ N Δ Form Factors and Wigner Rotations. Milton Dean Slaughter. Phys. Rev. C 80, 038201 (2009).
Gamma N Delta Form Factors and Wigner Rotations. Milton Dean Slaughter. [hep-ph] (2008).
The Electromagnetic Transition Form Factors
. Milton Dean Slaughter. Nuclear Physics A740, pp. 383-399 (2004).
The Weak Axial-Vector Form Factor
. Milton Dean Slaughter. Nuclear Physics A703, pp. 295-305 (2002).
: An Algebraic Approach. Milton Dean Slaughter. Modern Physics Letters A10, pp. 1865-1870 (1995).
The Resonant
Electroproduction Multipole Amplitude and the
Scalar Form Factor
. Milton D. Slaughter. Phys. Rev. C49, (Rapid Communications), pp. 2894-2897 (1994).
Calculation of the Photon Decay Amplitude
and the
Ratio in Single-Pion Electroproduction: An Algebraic Approach. Milton D. Slaughter and S. Oneda, Phys. Rev. D49, pp. 323-327 (1994).
A Calculation of the Magnetic Moment of the . Milton Dean Slaughter. Modern Physics Letters A8, pp. 3283-3290 (1993).
Correlation Between the and
Mesons, S. Oneda, Milton D. Slaughter, and T. Teshima. Intern. Jour. of Modern Physics Letters A6, pp. 4087-4105 (1991).
Meson Radiative and Pionic Transitions and Mass Splittings. Phys. Rev. D39, pp. 2062-2065 (1989), Milton Dean Slaughter and S. Oneda.
Is the the
Scalar Glueball? Milton Dean Slaughter. Modern Physics Letters A3, pp. 1361-1366 (1988).
Theoretical Limit on and Constraints On Glueball-
Meson Couplings with the Pion and the Isovector Photon, Phys. Rev. Lett. 59, pp. 1641-1644 (1987), Milton Dean Slaughter and S. Oneda.
The Vector Glueball: An Algebraic Approach, Phys. Rev. D35, pp. 992-996 (1987), Milton D. Slaughter and S. Oneda.
Charge Commutation Relation Approach to Electroweak Gauge Theories and the Mass of the Second Z Boson, Phys. Rev. D30, pp. 174-180 (1984), Y. Yasue, S. Oneda, and Milton D. Slaughter.
A New Evaluation of the Strong Coupling Constant and the Weak Axial-Vector Coupling Constant
, Phys. Rev. D26, pp. 1191-1193 (1982), Milton D. Slaughter, S. Oneda, and T. Tanuma.
On The Hyperon Magnetic Moments and the Decays, Phys. Rev. D23, pp. 787-792 (1981), S. Oneda, T. Tanuma, T. Toiya, Milton D. Slaughter.
A Numerical and Theoretical Analysis of Some Spherically Symmetric Containment Vessel Problems, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Report LA-8327-MS (1980), M. D. Slaughter.
Why are the Isoscalar Neutral-Current Axial-Vector Couplings and Isoscalar Nuclear Anomalous Moments Small?, Phys. Lett. 88B, pp. 343-348 (1979), S. Oneda, T. Tanuma, and Milton D. Slaughter.
Dynamical Constraints on the Couplings of Ground State Mesons - An Estimate of the Decay, Phys. Rev. D17, pp. 1389-1394 (1978), S. Oneda, Jung S. Rno, and Milton D. Slaughter.
Interaction of Explosive-Driven Air Shocks with Water and Plexiglas, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Report LA-7454 (1978), Milton Dean Slaughter, B. W. Olinger, James D. Kershner, and Charles L. Mader.
Intermultiplet Mixing of the Vector Mesons in a Nonperturbative Approach to Broken SU(4), Phys. Rev. Lett. 39, pp. 309-312 (1977), Milton D. Slaughter and S. Oneda.
D and D* in the Purely Algebraic Approach to Broken SU(4), Phys. Rev. D15, pp. 884-887 (1977), H. Hallock, S. Oneda, and Milton D. Slaughter.
X0(958) or E(1420): Which One in Broken SU(3) and SU(2) Symmetry?, Phys. Rev. D15, pp. 879-883 (1977), Milton D. Slaughter and S. Oneda.
On Broken SU(3) in Hyperon Magnetic Moments, Phys. Rev. D14, pp. 1319-1322 (1976), Milton D. Slaughter and S. Oneda.
Possibility of a Ninth JP = 1/2+ Baryon II, Phys. Rev. D14, pp. 1314-1318 (1976), Milton D. Slaughter and S. Oneda.
Possibility of a Ninth JP = 1/2+ Baryon, Phys. Rev. D14, pp. 799-808 (1976), Milton D. Slaughter and S. Oneda.
Scattering Amplitudes for Inverse Bremsstrahlung and Pair Production in a Laser Pulse, Phys. Rev. D11, pp. 1708-1710 (1975), M. D. Slaughter and J.E Murphy.
Electron-Laser Pulse Scattering, M. D. Slaughter. Phys. Rev. D11, pp. 1639-1648 (1975).