Selected Talks
Status of Underrepresented Minorities in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). Invited Special Seminar for Black History Month, College of Science, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 26 February 2014, Blacksburg, Virginia.
Ground-State Baryon Decuplet Form Factors. Invited Presentation, Miami 2010, University of Miami, Conference on Elementary Particle Physics, Astrophysics, and Cosmology, 14 - 19 December 2010, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
U-spin 3/2 Baryon Decuplet Magnetic Moments. Invited Presentation, Miami 2009, University of Miami, Conference on Elementary Particle Physics, Astrophysics, and Cosmology, 15 - 20 December 2009, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Physics and Society-Science in Africa-Present and Future: The Role of ICTP -A Terse Overview, “Discussion on Science in Africa.” Invited Presentation, International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)-Edward Bouchet Abdus Salam Institute (EBASI), 6 May 2009, Trieste, Italy
Understanding the Interaction of Ultra High Intensity Laser Pulses with Extremely Small Physical Systems of Importance in Biological and Environmental Research from a Purely Quantum Point of View Part II: Phenomenology and Applications. Invited Presentation, Environmental and Biological Applications of Lasers (EBAL), 2nd US-African Advanced Institute EBAL 2008 January 19-28, 2008, Cairo, Egypt
Understanding the Interaction of Ultra High Intensity Laser Pulses with Extremely Small Physical Systems of Importance in Biological and Environmental Research from a Purely Quantum Point of View Part I: Theory and Phenomenology. Invited Presentation, Environmental and Biological Applications of Lasers (EBAL) 2nd US-African Advanced Institute EBAL 2008, January 19-28, 2008, Cairo, Egypt
Physics and Society–The Future: Nuclear and Accelerator Science Education and Research Enhancement An Overview “Enhancing nuclear science education and training using accelerators.” Invited Presentation, Technical Meeting organized by the Physics Section of the Division of Physical and Chemical Sciences of the International Atomic Energy Agency in cooperation with the Ghana Atomic Energy Commission held at Accra, Ghana, from 11 – 14th September 2007. Milton Dean Slaughter, Sekazi K. Mtingwa, and Anthony M. Johnson.
The Delta-Nucleon Electromagnetic Interaction and Wigner Rotations. Invited Presentation, Miami 2007, University of Miami, Topical Conference on Elementary Particle Physics and Cosmology, 13 - 18 December 2007, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
A Nonperturbative Approach to the Calculation of the Electromagnetic Transition Form Factors. Invited Presentation, Miami 2006, University of Miami ,Topical Conference on Elementary Particle Physics and Cosmology, 12 - 17 December 2006, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Second Class Currents and the Electromagnetic Transition Form Factors. Invited Presentation Miami 2005, University of Miami ,Topical Conference on Elementary Particle Physics and Cosmology, 14 - 18 December 2005, Coral Gables and Key Biscayne, Florida
Form Factors in Physics. Invited Presentation, Colloquium Series, Department of Physics, Florida International University, Miami, Florida, October 14, 2005.
Form Factors in Particle and Nuclear Physics. Invited Presentation given at the Herbert W. Jones Memorial, April 21–23, 2004, Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University, Tallahassee, Florida.
Applications of Algebraic Techniques: Weak Processes. Invited Presentation, Annual Meeting of the National Society of Black Physicists, Atlanta, GA, February 2003.
The Mathematics of an Algebraic Approach to the Physics of Hadrons. Invited Lecture given at the Second International Workshop, Contemporary Problems in Mathematical Physics in Cotonou, Republic of Benin, October 28—November 2, 2001. Full manuscript of the lecture published by the World Scientific Publishing Co.
Physics and Society––The Future, Invited Lecture given for Arts And Sciences 2999, Forms of Inquiry, Honors Course. September 4, 2001. University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA.
Elementary Particle Physics––Quarks, Invited Lecture given for Arts And Sciences 2999, Forms of Inquiry, Honors Course. Spring, 1990. University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA.
Asymptotic Symmetry: Its Application to the Determination of the Transition Form Factors
and Implications for Perturbative QCD. Invited Presentation, University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa (July, 2000).
Enhancing Research Quality and Building Networks. Invited Presentation, Quality Education for Minorities (QEM) Network, September 24, 1999, Xavier University (New Orleans, Louisiana). Sponsored by the Quality Education for Minorities (QEM) Network and the National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education (NAFEO).
Anecdotal Strategies: Topics and Tactics in Science Education. Invited Presentation, Missouri Statewide Transfer and Articulation Conference, February 1-2, 1999, Columbia, Missouri. Sponsored by the University of Missouri, the Missouri State Board of Education, and the Missouri Coordinating Board for Higher Education.
Some Applications of Non-Linear Algebraic Techniques in Particle Physics. Invited Presentation, (See also in Refereed Proceedings). The Third Edward A. Bouchet International Conference, August 10-14, 1998, hosted by the Centre for Computational Matters in Physics and Related Disciplines (ICACSA) and by the Society of African Physicists and Mathematicians (SAPAM), University of Botswana, Gaborone, Botswana.
The Electromagnetic Transition Multipoles in the
Region. Invited Presentation. Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 42, 419 (1997).
Form Factors in Nuclear Physics, Invited Presentation given at the Eighth Annual Conference of the National Alliance of Research Centers of Excellence, March 7-10, 1996, Nashville, Tennessee.
Status of Minorities in SEM, Invited Presentation given at the American Mathematical Society Task Force on Minorities, May 13, 1995, Chicago, Ill.
An Algebraic Approach to Hadron Physics, Invited Talk. April 6, 1995, Department of Physics, Louisiana Tech University, Ruston, LA.
Physics and Society, Invited Presentation given at a joint meeting of the Louisiana Tech University and Grambling University SPS (Society of Physics Students)–Sigma-Pi-Sigma Physics Honor Society Banquet and Induction Meeting, April 6, 1995, Louisiana Tech University, Ruston, LA.
: A New Calculation. Invited Talk Given at the Hadron Spectroscopy and Structure Colloquium (HSSC94), August 7-12, 1994, University of Maryland, College Park, MD.
Lessons From Other Disciplines for Physics Classrooms, Invited Presentation, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 39, 1005 (1994).
An Overview of Some Efforts to Increase Minority Participation in the Sciences. Invited Presentation, California Institute of Technology, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, April 14, 1994.
A Calculation of the Magnetic Moment of the . Invited Presentation, Annual Meeting of the National Society of Black Physicists, Florida A&M University, April 1993.
The Magnetic Moment of the Spin 3/2, Isospin 3/2, 3-Quark System (). Invited Seminar, Department of Physics, Wayne State University, February 1993.
The Single-Pion Electroproduction Scalar Amplitude--An Algebraic Approach. Invited Seminar, Physics Department, Hampton University, October 1992.
A New Calculation of The Magnetic Moment: An Algebraic Approach. Invited Seminar, Physics Department, Hampton University, October 1992.
The Transverse One-Half and Scalar Helicity Transition Form Factors--An Algebraic Approach. Invited Seminar, XIX 1992 Annual Meeting of the National Society of Black Physicists, April 29-May 2, 1992, Jackson State University.
Status of Minorities in Physics: Findings and Recommendations of the American Physical Society Committee on Minorities in Physics. Invited Presentation, National Science Foundation Advisory Committee for Physics, October 18, 1991, Washington, D.C.
Photon Decay Amplitude. Invited Seminar, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge. March 12, 1991.
The Algebraic Approach to QCD and Its Application to the Decay. Presented at the First E. Bouchet International Conference on Physics and Technology, June 1988 at the International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, (Also in Proceedings).
The Decay, Glueballs, and Mass Squared Formulae in QCD. Invited Seminar presented May 1988. Group T-5 (Medium Energy Physics Theory), Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Some Theoretical Observations on the GAMS Glueball Candidate. February 1988. Invited Presentation made to the Advanced Hadron Facility Beam Energy Group, Los Alamos National Laboratory.
The Algebraic Approach to QCD and Its Application to the Decay. Invited Seminar presented May 1988 at the University of New Orleans, New Orleans, Louisiana.
The Radiative Decay of. Invited Seminar presented October 1987, Group T-5 (Medium Energy Physics Theory), Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Nucleon-Delta Transition Form Factors. Invited Seminar presented March 1987, Group T-5 (Medium Energy Physics Theory), Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory.
The Role of Asymptotic Symmetry in Particle Physics. Invited Seminar presented at Howard University, Washington, D.C. May 1985.
Coupling Constants in Particle Physics. Invited Presentation, Annual Meeting of the National Society of Black Physicists. April 1984.
An Overview of Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Programs. Invited Presentation, The 3M Company, St. Paul, Minnesota, Summer 1983.
The Spherically Symmetric Containment Vessel Problem. Invited Seminar , University of New Orleans, April 1981.
Neutral Currents, Gauge Theory, and a Special Form of Dynamical Symmetry Breaking. Invited Seminar, University of New Orleans, April 1981.
Hyperon Semileptonic Decays. Invited Seminar, Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory (1975).
Electron-Laser Pulse Scattering and Scattering Amplitudes for Inverse Bremsstrahlung and Pair Production in a Laser Pulse. InvitedSeminar, University of Maryland, College Park, August 1974.